“One important fact emerges from the research project undertaken by National Geographic is that the Human race existing on earth today has its’ first ancestor from Africa! Adam - the first human was from Africa. This means that we all earthlings are related with each other and the mankind is one family”
Every earthling is relative of each other
My ancestor was born in Africa about 60,000 years ago. He may be from Rift of North Africa valley. Presently it may be either of Ethiopia, Kenya or Tanzania. He is the origin of all the present non-African population of the world. It was the period of end of Ice Age and at that time the population of 10,000 existed there.
Many a times when we consult Astrologer for future predictions, he invariably tells us more about our past to win over our confidence. But these information of the past is based only on our present life only. What if some one tells us about who I was before the present life and how I came to the present life all the way?
Some months back U.S. based famous scientific institute National Geographic undertook a project named ‘Genographic’. I volunteered in this project. This research project is in partnership of National Geographic and IBM, supported by Waitt Family Foundation. By joining this project I got the incredible information about my journey of life, not only of 100-200 years, but of 60,000 years!
To understand the journey of span of my lives, it is necessary to know about chromosomes. There are “X” and “Y” Chromosomes in humans. We get X Chromosomes from our mother and Y Chromosomes from father. It is been established through scientific research that since creation of human race there is no change in these chromosomes. The test of these chromosomes, which we can call DNA test, can be carried out through blood sample. But it is bit painful process as piercing of some vein is required to take out a sample. To overcome this, we can take sample of the tender skin in the deep of our mouth where saliva rests. So, there lies a history of 60,000 years in our mouth! I scrubbed little skin from inside the mouth with a scrubber and put it in two bottles filled with special chemicals provided to carry the sample. Scrubbing of the skin results in some blood strains but the skin recovers in natural course soon. I send the samples back to U.S.A. and eagerly awaited to learn about my past.
After undergoing various tests the skin sample sent by me the result was put on the website of National Geographic one day revealing my journey of 60,000 years. I had participated in Y-Chromosome group and I was determined to be a member of ‘R1A1’ Haplogroup. It was observed that travel of my chromosome marker was from M168 – M89 – M-9 – M45 – M-207 – M173 to present M-17. These names are given as code names by the scientists. My ancestor whose group was M168 was present on the earth about 60,000 years back. Presently 40% people of this group are in Czechoslovakia, Siberia, south throughout Central Asia. 35% of Hindi speaking population of India are among them. 35% of population of Iran are of this group.
We carry DNA created from chromosomes from father and mother. Our height, colour of eyes and some diseases (which we call as hereditary) we carry on from generations to generations and pass it on future generations. They do not change.
So it seems my ancestor was born in Africa 60,000 years back. He must be from Rift Valley of North Africa. The location may be that of presently known Ethiopia, Kenya or Tanzania. He must be the ancestor of the present non-African population. It was period of the end of Ice Age and population of about 10,000 of this group was present at that time. Tools and art facade made from stones were in use. Temperatures rose after Ice Age and due to disasters created by it, he might have moved out of Africa. The skill to make best use of the tools available and hunting animals he began moving towards areas of better weather.
After that marker M89 came into existence. This marker is observed among 90 to 95% of non-Africans. Moving towards North Africa or Middle East direction began some 45,000 years back. At that time population of around 30,000 of this marker might have existed. It is observed that population moving out of Africa may have traveled by the sea shores upto Australia. 45,000 years ago these people made use of stones, ivory and wood to make tools.
After 40,000 years i.e. 5000 years later temperature again started changing. It again began to freeze. Hence, the people began moving towards green pastures beyond middle-east. Later the desert of Sahara was closed for nearly 20,000 years and returning back was impossible. The Green corridor was created which extended from east France to Korea and making use of this corridor the ancestors reached East from Africa. They were accompanied by large number of buffalos, woolly mammoths and antelopes. Following these animals people departed from Africa. After M89, Y chromosome M9 was observed in this group. They moved towards Iran or South Central Asia around 40,000 years back. Tens of thousands were inhabitant there. Their generations increased the population for the next 30,000 years and spread over in different places. On east, Tian, Shun and Hamalaya mountain ranges made it difficult for them to cross over. These mountain ranges are found in the present Tazakistan. Here the group of hunters were divided into two. One group went to Central Asia and remaining group moved towards south, which is present India and Pakistan.
This division created a new groups. Many of these groups are believed to be European and Indian. From this came into existence the M45 group. This happened about 35,000 years back in Central Aisa. At that time rivers in Europe were flowing with snow. The population of this M45 group was about 1,00,000. They too were making use of stone tools. They kept on moving towards north of Hindukush mountain range which is presently known as Tajikistan, Uzbekistan and South Siberia. Again due to less rain fall the temperature began to rose and ice glaciers started to melt. Population again had to be dependent on animals. They began to follow the herds of animals and learn to make use of animal skin for clothing to face the adverse weather conditions. They began to make weapons to fight bigger animals. It was during this period they learn to use animal bones and wood to make pointed weapons for hunting. They made needles from bones to stictch the animal skins. It is amazing how they survived the last Ice Age of Siberia. M45 group is ancestor of majority of the Europeans and all Americans. From M45 came M207 and then M173. Member of this group are known as Advanced Europeans.
Population from the M173 group went to Europe in large numbers. They had excellent communication means and tools as well as weapons. Some 30,000 years back they spread towards present Germany, France, Korea and China. Due to excellent weather conditions and fertile lands they moved towards Europe. The first advance human who moved to Europe used weapons of ivory along with bones. Ornaments like Bangles and pendants made of engraved ivory, shells and teeth existed.
20,000 years after due to weather change they once again had to move towards present Spain, Italy and Balkan.
M173 created M17 some 10 – 15,000 years back around Ukraine or South Russia. It was during this period for the first time use of horse was made for travel and carrying loads.
Majority of generation of M17 group are at present living in Czechoslovakia and India. So, this is my extra ordinary journey of 60,000 years!